Welcome to the thirteenth issue of Valuation and Litigation Insights! We bring you hand-picked content related to business valuation and litigation intended to help you and your clients get better results.
Happy October! As we enter the last quarter of the year, time seems to accelerate. Once Halloween hits, it's a sprint through the holidays and then New Year's. Such a special time for our family and kids. I love it!
On to this issue.
I recently attended two remote hearings -- both related to mediations. I cannot see the virtual format going away anytime soon. There are pros and cons to consider in any remote setting. Knowing these can be critical to success.
Sometimes we need to review a lengthy business valuation report. Often we would like to cut to the chase and skip to the important stuff. We share an article that lists some things to focus on.
How do you value a litigation claim? As investors, litigation funders have a unique perspective. An article summarizes four key factors they consider.
You may have read a valuation report, but are you familiar the process? Knowing the steps that go into an appraisal can be helpful in a critical review.
Finally, we delve into 6 levers that create business value.
Hope you enjoy this issue and find it useful!
News and Trends
The Pros and Cons of Remote Hearings
Remote hearings are here to stay. And their psychological effects have been profound.
Understanding these impacts, both positive and negative, can be vital to success.
Things to Know
How to Value a Litigation Claim
What is the value of a litigation claim?
Who better to ask than the folks who put their money where their mouth is: litigation funders?
This article summarizes the four key factors they consider.
How a Business Valuation Report is Prepared
Not everyone wants to know how the sausage is made.
Still, some readers of a business valuation might wonder what actually goes into producing that opinion of value.
This informative article by Mercer Capital provides a walk-through of the valuation process -- from initial retention to issuance of the final report.
The Six Levers of Value Creation
Simple to understand, hard to do.
Here are 6 "levers" that create company value, per Accounting Today.
Tools and Tips
5 Important Things to Look for in a Business Valuation
They shouldn't be, but business valuation reports can be long and boring.
Can't you just skip to the parts that matter? Or at least start with those critical areas and get to the rest later?
While not comprehensive, this article discusses 5 key things to focus on when reviewing a business valuation.
In Closing
That's it for now. If you found this issue of Valuation and Litigation Insights useful, please forward it to a friend or colleague.
And if you have a valuation or damages-related issue you would like to discuss, you can reach me one of the ways below.
Talk to you soon!
William W. Thomsen
Director of Valuation and Litigation Services
Grobstein Teeple, LLP
Call me at 818-502-4950
Email me at wthomsen@gtllp.com